Bequeathal -- Our father, our king -- Rustic impression -- Naked admission: a fantasy -- During Covid, she dreams of leaving a masked man -- Ascent -- Arctic traveler -- A love poem -- Chiroptera -- Pecan, rodef, clam -- August blues -- Bear spotted in Delmar -- Words from a Midwest farm wife -- Imagining Abraham -- At the dog park, late -- Paleontology -- Rigor Celsius -- Deconstruction workers -- Italian for you -- Lullaby -- Commitment -- Intaglio -- Bees, you, and a bird dream -- Childlessness -- A coed's birthday -- I don't think he had any intention to hire -- Creed: a still life -- Apples -- Raw Spring -- Sonnet for a wart on my hand -- Question for the sages -- Back door -- We have trespassed -- Unplotted -- March -- Max Headroom, in midlife, drops doubtful advice on his son -- Auditory tune -- Wanted -- Evening in daylight -- Upstate, April -- Widows and orphans -- Is it -- Beached, or dementia -- Suddenly.