Women's Study Clubs Collection, Center for Folklife, History, and Cultural Programs, Crandall Public Library, Glens Falls, NY.
Staff will access all records and must approve all requests for copies.
This group of women's clubs in Glens Falls, New York has been brought together under the collective title, Women's Study Clubs. While there is no evidence that these clubs were formally linked into an association, their structure was similar. Each of the clubs was composed of women and met monthly to consider topics of cultural interest. Each club organized its programs for a given year around an overall theme. It is possible that Crandall Library had a role in coordinating or organizing these clubs. J. Thatcher Sears, Librarian of Crandall Public Library from 1938-1958, conducted the Study Club along with his wife Katharine.
A brief unpublished inventory of the collection is available in the library.